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Writer's pictureJustin Damian Furness

The 9 Performance Patterns - The Researcher/Visionary

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

How To Predict Performance Patterns And Understand What Drives Them So You Can Enhance Trust & Deepen All Your Relationships In Life & Business.

The Seventh Performance Pattern in the series of 9 is The Researcher/Visionary and how it's highest driving needs are the guiding force behind behavior.

The ability to predict behavior gives us an enormous advantage in attaining leverage when we are faced with challenges and how to gain higher levels of success in life and business.

The Researcher/Visionary is the first Performance Pattern to emerge from the category of Practical Performance.

Using the LifePrintOS and Technology, everybody has the ability to analyze these performance patterns and will instantly know how to access a person's behavior and how to best to enhance each individual pattern.

The Performance Patterns are only the tip of the iceberg and serve only as an entry point and foundational basis in understanding what drives human emotion and hence behavior. For the most part we will express these personality patterns in different arenas of Life; for instance our personality pattern at home is very different(not always) to the performance pattern being expressed at work or socially, how about the performance when doing the things we love as opposed to doing the things we don't, or, how we instinctively respond when put on the spot, under pressure where there's no time to process... what performance pattern emerges then?

The Researcher/Visionary Performance Pattern

To Envision The Future And Uncover Truth - Highest Driving Need Is Significance

Growth Mindset Performance Patterns: Individual, Enigmatic, Eccentric/Different, Purposeful, Loyal, Off-beat, Prophetic, ‘ Live and let live’ attitude, Perceptive, Just, Revolutionary, Dramatic

Protective Mindset Performance Patterns: Cryptic, Uses shock speech, Unconventional, Vengeful, Excitable, Tactless‘, Prejudiced, Unpredictable, Deceitful, Fixed, Bends Truth

People experience the Researcher/Visionary as an investigator - always attempting to gain insight into all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and how they come together in the bigger picture and scheme of things. They are the type of people that are very hard to pin down or understand and the second people think they have, the Investigator will change.

The Researcher/Visionary will usually have ideas that are so revolutionary and ahead of the times that not many people will grasp them, never-mind comprehend them, thus leaving them completely misunderstood or considered too eccentric.(Prophets are rarely accepted, just look what happened to Galileo...)

Researcher/Visionary believe that if you can envision it in the mind then it is possible to create it in reality; if anybody tells them it cannot be done, they will prove them how WRONG they can be. Researcher's/Visionary's they suspect anything suspicious or if somebody appears to be hiding something from them, even to the point of twisting words or using savvy linguistic techniques to catch perpetrators out. For the most part though, Investigators have a live and let live attitude and can mix with both high society and the homeless equally as there's no differentiation between classes.

Researcher's/Visionary's are very difficult people to read as they usually have a flair for drama and are able to give an unforgettable performance on the stage of life often whilst hiding behind the saddest of hearts, you'll never know. They will enjoy any shock effect they can get from people and are curious as to why people react they way they do; natural drama provocateurs who often lack tactfulness as each act is carefully designed to attract attention or get a reaction.

At times Researcher's/Visionary's can be a complete mavericks, attracted to reformist movements and revolutionary organizations that will transform or shake up the human condition.

They have a strong sense of responsibility and a clear perception to chose between

what is right and wrong as they understand both sides of the Human condition, the best and worst of humanity.

Advice For Researcher's/Visionary's

If you are someone with the INVESTIGATOR energy at the heart of your LifePrint it

will be important for you to follow your own visions, as prophets are seldom

accepted by society, in order to ensure you remain in a pro-active, thriving state. It

is important you develop a strong sense of integrity and not lose yourself in other

people’s lack thereof. Investigate solutions not conspiracies.

Advice For Interacting With Researcher's/Visionary's

To connect on a deeper level with someone who has the Investigator energy, find ways to demonstrate your loyalty and integrity. Mention a problem or challenge that others say is impossible to solve and solve it together.

This​ ​is​ ​a​ ​taste​ ​of​ ​just​ ​1​ ​of​ ​the​ ​multiple​ ​sensory​ ​expressions​ ​held​ ​within​ ​a​ ​LifePrint map.​ ​Your​ ​LifePrint​ ​Map​ ​will​ ​take​ ​into​ ​account​ ​all​ ​the​ ​dimensions​ ​of​ ​your​ ​life including​ ​the​ ​‘Sense​ ​of​ ​Relationship’​ ​(your​ ​relationship​ ​patterns),​ ​the​ ​‘Sense​ ​of Instinct’​ ​(your​ ​impulses​ ​and​ ​instinctive​ ​reactions)​ ​and​ ​so​ ​much​ ​more!

The following knowledge is taught at a more in-depth level as educational training events to deepen your understanding within The LifePrintOS helping businesses and individuals to evaluate the needs of their company, team, projects or clients, enhancing natural behavior, talents and abilities and evolving potential to accelerate achievement and success within life and business.

Stay tuned for next weeks Performance Pattern -

The Dependable

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