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Now that your Potential has been IGNITED it's time to nurture that potential before fully opening it up to full expansion and momentum.  This is the time to focus on connecting and growing your commmunty and developing the skills and infrastructure necessary to work in an even more streamlined way that will maximse your time, efficency and therefore give you the skills and mindset necessary to take the next leap in your evolution.


Always remember:-


No Goal = No Growth

No Clarity = No Change

Connect Your Potential

  • 3/6/9 month Lifestyle Strategy to Ignite your Potential and Experience Your Exceptional! Work for either 3/6/9 months; this includes Group Webinars, Private Mentorship, 1 on 1 Coaching, Strategic Interventions, Fascia Releases, Lifestyle Strategies, Biodynamic Formulas and much much more. The environment will accelerate you into not just thinking of your dreams but Living them.


    Portal of Potential Online Forum Belong to a group of dedicated individuals sharing their experiences, challenges and successes, get inspiration, ask for guidance and connect to a community of people focused on becoming great.


    Group Lifestyle Webinars Join us in our online training solution, once a month we take you through specific strategies and systems to ignite your potential and ensure you attain the most comprehensive strategies to empower your lifestyle.


    Active Orthopaedic Evaluations Active Orthopaedic evaluations are used to assess the physical impact and shift that the group or individual has achieved through the Integrative Med. and Coaching facilitations.


    1-on-1 Integrative Medicine and Coaching All of our expertise are combined to ensure a comprehensive strategy and facilitation to achieve your highest impact and attain results. All facilitations are done through video conferencing and include and are not limited to Results Coaching, Chinese Energetic Medicine, Fascia Release, Micro-biome, Past Lives, Environmental Stressors, Active Memories, Body Chemistry, Neurology, Psycho-immunology and much much more!


    LifePrint Flow Profile Analysis Ever wondered what all your potential encompasses, the LifePrint System flow profile will give you a detailed breakdown of your Pro-Active and Re-Active behavior ensuring you are aware pf all of your patterns and utilize your flow to achieve your best possible outcome. How your brain is wired up and what potentials you came into this life bearing.


    LifePrint Energetic Flow Cycle for 3/6/9 months: Based on the LifePrint System this Flow profile maps out your unique energy flow and cycles throughout the next 3 months empowering to harmonize and multiply your impact.


    Private Email Access Gain access to my Private Email, get a personal response guaranteed within 24hours and exclusive access to me personally to ask whatever your heart desires whenever it desires. Sometimes you don't have the time or are not in the right space to be able to have a 1-on-1 and so here you can get feedback to all your business, relationship and personal challenges.


Hauptstrasse 16F


8272, Switzerland

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© 2022 by Justin Damian Furness - Evaluate - Enhance - Evolve

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